Behind on Car Payments? Here's What Could Happen in Missouri

Melissa Wiatrak
A past due car payment.

Are you behind on your car payments in Missouri? If so, you need to be aware of the potential consequences of not making those payments. In Missouri, your car can be repossessed if you fall behind. 

Car repossession can have a serious impact on your financial situation, and it's essential to understand the process. 

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When Can Your Car Be Repossessed in Missouri?

In Missouri, your car can be repossessed if you fail to make your car payments. The exact timeframe for repossession can vary depending on your loan agreement and the specific terms set by your lender. However, generally, if you are behind on payments and have not cured the default within the specified timeframe, your lender has the legal right to repossess your car.

It's important to note that the repossession process typically does not happen immediately after you miss a payment. Lenders must follow certain legal procedures and provide you with notice before repossessing your vehicle. This notice is known as a "Notice of Default.”

Notice of Default and Right to Cure

Once you have fallen behind on your car payments in Missouri, you will likely receive a Notice of Default from your lender. This notice is crucial because it provides you with a chance to avoid repossession. It will give you a specific amount of time, typically around 20 days, to bring your payments up to date and cure the default. 

During this time, it's essential to take immediate action. Contact your lender to discuss your situation and explore options for catching up on your payments. They may work with you to establish a payment plan or find a solution that suits both parties. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your lender during this process.

If you fail to cure the default within the given timeframe, your lender has the legal right to proceed with the repossession process. At this point, a repossession agent will be hired to locate and take possession of your car. They can take your vehicle from any public place as long as they do not use force or breach the peace.

Understanding Your Rights During Car Repossession in Missouri

When facing car repossession in Missouri, it's crucial to understand your rights as a consumer. Knowing what actions you can take and what protections you have can help you navigate through this challenging situation. 

Firstly, it's essential to know that Missouri law requires repossession agents to follow specific guidelines when repossessing your car. They cannot physically harm you, threaten you, or damage your property during the repossession process. If you believe the repossession agent has violated your rights, it's essential to document any evidence and contact legal assistance.

Additionally, Missouri law requires lenders to provide you with specific notices before proceeding with repossession. The Notice of Default is one such notice that gives you a particular amount of time to cure the default and bring your payments up to date. It's essential to carefully review this notice and understand your options for resolving the default. If you believe the notice was not provided in accordance with Missouri law, it's essential to consult with legal counsel.

During the repossession process, you also have the right to retrieve personal belongings inside the vehicle. Missouri law requires repossession agents to provide you with an inventory of your personal property removed from the car. You can request the return of these items, and the agent must provide a reasonable opportunity for you to retrieve them.

Tips to Avoid Car Repossession in Missouri

If you find yourself behind on car payments in Missouri, you must take proactive steps to avoid car repossession. Here are some tips to help you navigate through this challenging situation and keep your car:

1. Communicate with your lender: As soon as you realize you're struggling to make payments, reach out to your lender. They may be willing to work with you on a payment plan or offer other solutions to help you catch up on payments.

2. Budget and prioritize: Take a close look at your finances and create a realistic budget. Cut back on non-essential expenses and prioritize your car payment to ensure it's paid on time.

3. Seek financial assistance: If you're facing financial hardship, consider reaching out to local assistance programs or non-profit organizations that may be able to provide financial aid or guidance.

4. Refinance or modify your loan: Explore options to refinance your car loan or modify the terms to make payments more manageable. This could potentially lower your interest rate or extend the loan term, reducing your monthly expenses.

5. Consider selling or trading your car: If your financial situation is dire, you may need to consider selling or trading your car to pay off the loan. This can help you avoid repossession and potentially minimize the negative impact on your credit.

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Car Repossession Attorneys in Joplin, Missouri

Checkett, Pauly, Bay & Morgan can help you understand your rights during car repossession and make sure you are treated fairly. You are welcome to call for a free consultation.